Automated Staff Call-In System for Hospital/Staff

Bell Canada

Automated Staff Call-In System (ASCS)

Fills shifts automatically

Frees up valuable human resources to complete other tasks and responsibilities

Tracks and reports historic acceptance or decline of shifts by employee

Can record employee's verbal responses to shift offers for dispute review and reconcillliation

E-mail notification to managers that the shift has been filled and by whom

Employees can choose to talk live to managers using VoiceGate's advanced "voice casting" feature

Automated Calls and offers employees shifts by:

Collective Barganing restrictions

Time of day and week

Variable time delay between calls

Pauses calling campaign so employees currently on shift can be offered to take available shift


Sort Lists and Target:

Overtime Eligibility
Staff Schedule
Hours worked
Skill Set
Chain Lists




1-800-668-2387 / 905-508-0355

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